Two New Midsize RANGER 570 R-Series Kits!

This is thee premier Polaris RANGER 570 clutch upgrade kit – it’s not just a replacement, its a serious improvement! Smoother starts, better engine braking & longer belt life, all built into a durable primary and secondary to last you for years to come.

Thru 2 years of development we paired our R-Series primary with a well proven a Team® post tied secondary, now for these RANGER 570s!

2021-2024 Midsize RANGER 570 2-Passenger & Crew Trans. #1334612 – 1334588. Kit #15-577

2021-2024 Midsize RANGER 570 2-Passenger & Crew Trans. #1334612 – 1334588. Kit #15-577

Make sure you have your transmission number – it is the only way to ensure you are ordering the correct kit. See below for instructions on how to find your number.

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Duraclutch Kit #15-577