Contact Us

Sales and Media Inquiries

Contact DURALUTCH and one of our awesome customer support people will be glad to help any questions or concerns.

Open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. After hours or holiday calls and emails will be returned the next business day.
Closed most major holidays with limited hours from December 26th to December 28th.
Contact Duraclutch
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Dealer Inquiries

Join our growing DURACLUTCH and DURATRACKS dealers. We’d love to hear from you. Simply fill out the dealer application and we will get back to ASAP!

SVI - Specialty Vehicles International

DURACLUTCH and DURATRACK is made in the USA by:

Specialty Vehicles International (SVI)
5112 Northstar Lane
Suite 2
Nisswa, MN. 56468

(218) 967-8205, Monday through Friday, 8 until 5